The Triple A Test

The Triple A test helps you understand your risk of an attack. Asthma attacks hospitalise someone every seven minutes - don't let it be you.

If you are under 12 or a parent of a child with asthma who is under 12,

I live in:
I am
I am
I have been diagnosed with asthma
Do you think you are at risk from an asthma attack?
I smoke.
I miss more than three doses of my preventer inhaler a week.
I have to use my reliever inhaler at least three times a week.
I often have a runny or blocked nose when I don't have a cold.
I've visited a hospital department or been admitted to hospital because of asthma in the past five years.
My BMI is over 30.
My doctor and I have created a written asthma action plan.
I left school before A levels, Highers or equivalent.

Please select an option

At the end of the test, we'll give you advice on what to do to avoid asthma attacks, as well as information to help if you do have an attack.