Asthma action plan

If you use an asthma action plan you're four times less likely to have an asthma attack that needs hospital treatment.

Download your Asthma Action Plan PDF

An asthma action plan is a written record of what you've discussed and decided with your Asthma Specialist or asthma nurse about your asthma care.

Having an asthma action plan is the best way to stay on top of your asthma. It tells you what medicines you need to take for your asthma every day. It also tells you what symptoms to look out for and what medicines to take when you notice your asthma is getting worse. If your symptoms develop into an asthma attack your action plan tells you what you need to do urgently.

Having an action plan that you've discussed with your GP or asthma nurse helps you feel more in control of your asthma. Even if you think you already know how to look after your asthma, it's good to have it written down in case things change.

The 'Your Asthma' pack contains:

  • Your Asthma Action Plan - a plan to fill in with your specialist reminding you of the action you need to take when your asthma symptoms change.
  • Your Asthma Peak Flow Diary - a chart to record your peak flow scores, and any symptoms you notice. It may help you recognise when you asthma is getting worse.
  • Your Asthma Medicine Card - a handy card showing what medicines you need to take and when you need take them.
  • Your Asthma Review Booklet - a booklet explaining what happens at a review, including the kinds of questions you can ask to help stay on top of your asthma, and how often you should have a review with your GP or asthma nurse.

AAAG`s asthma action plan is based around three zones green, amber and red.

GREEN ZONE - To stay in the green zone you need to take your preventer inhaler every day as prescribed, even when you feel well.

AMBER ZONE - You move into the amber zone if you notice any asthma symptoms starting to come back and your action plan will tell you what action to take to take to get your asthma back in control .

RED ZONE - The red zone of your action plan explains what you need to do urgently if you have an asthma attack.

You can get started on using an action plan by downloading Your Asthma and taking it along to your specialist so that you can discuss your plan together.

To have a free copy of Your Asthma sent to you, please either email our Helpline Team at